- Corso Primo Soccorso
- Corsi Antincendio
- Corso RLS, Formazione RLS, Aggiornamento RLS
- Corsi Rspp, Aspp, Cse, Csp
- Corsi preposto e Aggiornamento Preposto (aggiornato Legge 215/2021)
- Corsi Formazione Lavoratori
- Formazione per i dirigenti sulla sicurezza
- BBS e cultura della sicurezza
- Corsi attrezzature di lavoro
- Corso Carroponte
- Corsi Ambiente, Rifiuti e Sostenibilità.
- Corsi spazi confinati, lavori in quota e DPI terza categoria
- English Safety Training Courses
- Convegni e Webinar Gratuiti
- Corsi RSPP per i datori di lavoro
- Corsi Codice Appalti
- Corsi formazione formatori
- Corso di abilitazione all'uso del defibrillatore (BLS-D)
- Corsi Privacy e Cybersecurity
- Legge 231
- Haccp
- Norma cei 11-27: corsi per addetti lavori elettrici PES PAV V Edizione
- Rischio elettrico
- Digital Transformation
- Corsi sistemi gestione sicurezza e modelli organizzativi 231
- Corsi Management
Safety Work Manager English e-learning
Safety Work Manager English e-learning
The Safety Work Manager course is designed for managers' safety training. The course is available in E-Learning mode.
Aim of the course
The course aims at providing all executives with the general training that is inherent to health and safety in workplaces as stated in the European norms. It also aims at providing a major perception of the risk in its work activities.
Target audience
This course is aimed at Managers, as identified and defined in Article 2 of Legislative Decree 81/2008.
It is a basic training course for Managers on occupational health and safety for all risk sectors in accordance with the State-Regions Agreements of December 21, 2011 and July 7, 2016 and Article 37 of Legislative Decree 81/2008.
Main Norms to refer to
This course, which is compulsory for all executives, is carried out as stated in section 37 of D. Lgs. n. 81/2008 and in the Agreement Government-Regions of 21/12/2011 and 07/07/2016.
Normative references
Permanent Conference for relations between the State, Regions and Autonomous Provinces, Agreements of December 21, 2011 and July 7, 2016.
Legislative Decree No. 81 of April 9, 2008, Article 37, paragraph 7.
Module 1 - Normative and legal
· The philosophy of Legislative decree 81/2008
· The Legislative System
· Composition of the Legislative decree 81/2008
· Technical Standards
· The Public Prevention System
· Safety Stakeholders
· The Delegation of Functions
· Civil and Criminal Liability of Managers
· Legislative Decree 231 2001 and workplace safety
· Company Qualification Systems
Module 2 - Management and organization of security and safety
· Organization and management models
· Technical-Administrative organization
· Signs
· Emergencies
· Evacuation and fire procedures
· First aid organisational procedures
· Supervising executives
· Prevention and protection service manager and officer
Module 3 - Risks Identification and assessment
· The perception of the risk
· Risk assessment - methodologies and criteria
· Risk assessment document
· Interference risk assessment document and management of contracts
· Precautionary principle
· Psychosocial risks
· Work Environment
· Display Screen
· Office Pathology
· Manual Handling of loads
· General Mechanics
· Electrical Hazard
· Machinery
· Falls from height
· Chemical risk
· Labelling
· Biological Risks
· Physical Risk
· Accidents and near miss injuries
· Commuting accident
· Alcohol and drugs in the workplace
· Individual protection devices
· Health surveillance
Module 4 - Communication and training. Consultation of the workers
· Information, Training and Instruction
· Basic elements of communications
· Group dynamics
· Leadership and phases of a group
· Worker's safety representative: consultation and participation
· Appointment of the workers' safety representative
Validity of the course
Training for Managers can be conducted in e-learning mode in accordance with the State-Regions Agreements of December 21, 2011 and July 7, 2016.
Assessment and evaluation
Assessment and evaluation of learning are carried out by passing mandatory intermediate telematic tests with closed questions with three answers with automatic correction at the end of each educational module and at the end of the course for the evaluation of the topics covered. The tests display questions randomly drawn from an archive, different and randomly displayed for each passing attempt. The answers to each question are displayed in random order. Passing the tests occurs with at least 80 percent of the answers correct.
The overall course effectiveness rating is expressed by the average of the sum of the average grade achieved in the tests in the course.
At the conclusion of the course, a progressively numbered certificate of successful training is given.
System Requirements.
The minimum system requirements are:
- Internet connection via broadband (ADLS / fiber or 3G / HSDPA / HSUPA);
- Device (MAC, PC);
- Sound card + speakers (OR HEADPHONES).
- Up-to-date Web Bowser (Internet Explorer, Firefox, Chrome, Safari, Opera or respective mobile version of the same browsers);
- Windows Media Player from ver.7
Mode of course delivery
The course can be delivered only upon completion of the purchase procedure and receipt of the completed and signed registration form that will be sent to you following the purchase.