- Corso Primo Soccorso
- Corsi Antincendio
- Corso RLS, Formazione RLS, Aggiornamento RLS
- Corsi Rspp, Aspp, Cse, Csp
- Corsi preposto e Aggiornamento Preposto (aggiornato Legge 215/2021)
- Corsi Formazione Lavoratori
- Formazione per i dirigenti sulla sicurezza
- BBS e cultura della sicurezza
- Corsi attrezzature di lavoro
- Corso Carroponte
- Corsi Ambiente, Rifiuti e Sostenibilità.
- Corsi spazi confinati, lavori in quota e DPI terza categoria
- English Safety Training Courses
- Convegni e Webinar Gratuiti
- Corsi RSPP per i datori di lavoro
- Corsi Codice Appalti
- Corsi formazione formatori
- Corso di abilitazione all'uso del defibrillatore (BLS-D)
- Corsi Privacy e Cybersecurity
- Legge 231
- Haccp
- Norma cei 11-27: corsi per addetti lavori elettrici PES PAV V Edizione
- Rischio elettrico
- Digital Transformation
- Corsi sistemi gestione sicurezza e modelli organizzativi 231
- Corsi Management
Safety Specific training for Workers High Risk
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Description and purposes
Specific safety training for high-risk workers is mandatory for employees working in a company classified as a high-risk company according to the ATECO 2007 Code.
The training course is contucted in accordance with Legislative Decree 81/08, the State-Regions Agreement 21/12/2011 and the State-Regions Agreement 7/7/2016. The objective of the course is to provide workers with the necessary training on occupational health and safety and other topics concerning Italian legislation on workers' health and safety.
The course aims to illustrate to workers the main specific risks, analyse their causes and suggest organisational and behavioural solutions to protect the health and safety of workers.
The course is intended for workers.
Duration of the training
12 hours
Safety Specific course's Program High Risk
Training must be carried out taking into account all the risks of the task. The trainer will cover the health and safety of workers, indicating the protection and prevention measures according to the company sector and the task to be performed by the worker.
Expert trainer with long-time experience and in possession of all the requirment to employ the role of safety trainer complying DM 6/3/2013.
Videoconference requirments
The course is delivered in FAD via synchronous video conferencing. Lecturer and participants can interact via video/audio and chat.
Video conferencing while not the same as physical presence is equivalent for training purposes. Participants' presence, connection and disconnection time is tracked by the platform.
Minimum system requirements are:
Stable broadband Internet connection;
Recent computer or tablet or smartphone;
Soundboard +speakers (OR HEADPHONES);
Up-to-date Web Bowser (Internet Explorer, Firefox, Chrome, Safari, Opera);
Microphone, webcam is required and may be activated by the organizing party at any time also to monitor the participant's attention level.
Testing the suitability of the computer, operating system and connection
To test the suitability of your internet connection, browser and operating system review we attach a file with a link and some very simple instructions. You will only be able to access the FAD if all 3 ticks are green.
Training Provider
Lisa Servizi
Responsable for the Training Project
Engineer Riccardo Borghetto
Teaching Method
The training is characterised by a highly interactive teaching methodology based on real cases and examples.
Final assessment, certificate and teaching materials
Following the positive outcome of the final assessment and attendance of at least 90% of the total number of hours, an individual certificate will be awarded to each participant, issued by the Lisa Servizi srl training organisation, accredited by the Veneto Region.
Each participant will be given a copy of the training material, which contains documents for use and reading to complete the training achieved.
With the aim of pursuing greater eco-sustainability, reducing paper and electricity wastage, the individual certificate and training material will be provided in electronic form (PDF format).
Normative references
Legislative Decree 81/08;
State-Regions Agreement 21/12/2011;
State-Regions Agreement 7/7/2016.
Data retention
All the documents of the course, program, register with attendant signature, verification test and a certificates’ copy will be store, in accordance with law, by Lisa Lisa Servizi srl, the training provider.