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English E-Learning safety at work courses

English E-Learning safety at work courses (To read the same article in Italian click here)

Today’s world is even more globalized and internationalized so usually italian companies need to collaborate with international realities.

Italian’s law Legislative Decree 81/08 establish that safety at work courses is mandatory so, when italian companies start a partnership with international realities, the security manager needs to check out foreign workers’ formation.

During a health emergency, like the one we are fighting, formation companies can’t conduct their courses in traditional modes so they need to use alternative formation courses like the e-learning ones.

As italian companies need to train foreign workers, they need to find high quality English courses to buy for them.

English E-Learning safety at work courses

Why should you follow our English E-Learning safety at work courses?

First of all, as previously said, italian companies’ managers need to check if mandatory formation in foreign worker’s original country is similar (or the same) as italian one.

If any modules/subjects aren’t part of foreign worker’s formation they need to buy courses that integrate them, the real trouble is finding high quality material in English languages.

LisaServizi has chosen to create English E-Learning safety at work courses to enable foreign workers to follow them with the objective of getting trained everywhere and every time.

Workers E-Learning Course

What English E-Learning safety at work courses does LisaServizi offer?

Today we offer some English E-Learning safety at work courses and three of them are part of the basic safety at work formation mandator by italian law:

  • “Safety Work Manager 16 hours” course: provided for manager (as “manager” is definite by article number 2 of Legislative Decree 81/08), it is made by 4 modules (“Normative and Legal”, “Management and Organization of Security and Safety”, “Risks Identification and Assessment” and “Communication and training. Consultation of the workers”).
  • “Safety General training for workers” course: provided for workers, it concerns general notion about prevention, health and safety at work themes.
  • “Safety Specific training for workers” course: provided for workers it concerns specific formation expected by article number 37 of Legislative Decree 81/08.

For all of these courses we provide a discount directly proportional to the number of workers they are bought for (the maximum discount is 20% applied for courses intended for 5 or more workers).

Each course also provided a certificate in compliance with the current law in force in Italy.

If you need further information about our English E-Learning safety at work courses send an e-mail to, we will answer you.

Formazione professionale per la tua crescita.

Lisa Servizi è un Organismo di Formazione accreditato dalla Regione Veneto in ambito di Formazione Continua, e offre formazione di alto livello attraverso la business unit dedicata, che propone corsi interaziendali a catalogo, corsi aziendali personalizzati, e-learning e training su campi prove.

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